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  • Writer's pictureDan

Day 6: Puebla de Sanabria to Lubian (31KM)

Today Don and I walked to Lubian for Don’s first stage on El Camino. We woke up around 5AM and left the albergue around 5:30 to head for Requenjo. While beautiful to walk by moonlight, this was easily the coldest morning so far - around 40F. I told Don just a few days ago that we had great warm weather. I heard about that a few times :) We reached Requenjo around 8:15AM for a much needed Cafe con Leche and snack. From here it was uphill for about 2 hours to the town of Podernelo. Because of construction of new high speed train line, we had to walk about half of this on the highway - including going through a tunnel. We stopped for about 20 minutes for a sandwich and then began the 10KM descent to Lubian. The sun blazed away in the early afternoon as we got off the highway and returned to a trail through the countryside. Arriving in Lubian, we met up with the pod I had walked with the first few days, and I enjoyed introducing them to Don. After a shower and rest, we walked around the town that has served as a refuge for peregrinos for hundreds of years. Don felt good after his first day. He’s so grateful to walk and take in Camino. While walking has my muscles sore, i still give thank for the time to undertake this journey. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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