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  • Writer's pictureDan

Day 7: Lubian to A Gudina (25KM)

We followed the signs out of town this morning, past a small, ancient church and onto a stonewalled lined path. We walked past beautiful Santuario de La Tuiza illuminated by the moon and floodlights. We stopped for a cafe con leche and snack after about 2 ½ hours of walking. Then we continued on through small towns and various landscape: rocky, hilly terrain; small family farms, wide open fields... Don talked to local people in the various towns through which we passed. Our journey took us out of the Castillo region and into the Galicia region. We paused for a bit to step out of the way of sheep driven out to pasture. (The WiFi at this cafe struggles to upload photos, so I will have to try that on another day.)

Our leg muscles feel sore today - we hope to make the 35KM to Laza tomorrow, although I might take it slower than previous days. What a great experience to walk by moonlight and stars, the sun, through the valleys and up the hills. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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