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  • Writer's pictureDan

A Day of Rest

Day 11: Today began with a visit to the cathedral in Ourense. Don and I arrived around 8 and watched the dawning light through the colorful windows. We attended the 8:30 Mass in an ornate side chapel while waiting for Don’s friends, Tom and Ted, to arrive. After Mass we enjoyed the peacefulness within these old stone walls. Certainly a different pace than this tourist city with bustling cafes and shops. Tom and Ted arrived as the 10:30 Mass began - this time in the main chapel with the organ, a cantor, and more people. After Mass, Tom, Ted, and Don left for the 22KM walk to Cea. I have decided to keep this as my rest day. My shin splints need some rest. Yesterday we visited the hot springs in town and I went between the hot and cold pools a few times, which relaxed my leg. I might go visit them this afternoon for another round of hot and cold. While I’m looking forward to this day to write and reflect upon my journey so far, I’m also looking forward to leaving the city and returning to country roads through small villages. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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