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  • Writer's pictureDan

An Ancient Way

On the route from Laza to Xunqueira de Ambia we passed through an ancient way. I call it an ancient not knowing exactly for how many years pilgrims walked this trail - yet the trees and rock wall felt ancient and hallowed. I took my hat off and breathed deeply through this passage of the trail. Why? I didn’t know what else to do when feeling deeply connected to a past that I cannot see, yet know it’’s present with me. I thought of what pilgrims would have worn and carried 10 years ago, 50 years ago, 500 years ago... I give thanks for the reminded I do not walk this trail alone - yes, I walk with people now, yet I also walk with ‘a great cloud of witnesses’ who have passed this way and had this experience. Wow. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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