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  • Writer's pictureDan

Selfishness on the Camino

I have found very little selfishness exists among peregrinos. Resources are shared while walking and in albergues - from water and snacks to bandages and creams, along with tips and stories about what one can expect in the coming stages. In some albergues, some pilgrims make communal meals, each giving a little of what they have to make a feast. To be fair to my experience, I must acknowledge that not all pilgrims share. Selfishness is not eradicated completely. Not all pilgrims want to interact with others. Yet many pilgrims do interact. This way of living - of sharing and caring for those around, strangers and new-found friends - paints a picture of possibility for living after El Camino. I wonder how you sharing can begin to eradicate selsishness in your life and your community in the coming weeks. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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