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Day 12: Ourense to Cea to Dozón (38KM)

After resting a day in Ourense, Edith and I left around 7AM for the town of Cea, 22KM away. I’m thankful my leg felt okay as we discerned our way through the dark streets. It felt great to climb the streets out of the city and return to the trails leading through little villages. Edith and I walked at brisk pace as the sun began to come over the hills and light our way. We enjoyed the dawning of this new day by talking very little. On the way we passed more wild blackberries - plump, ripe, juicy. What a great treat for a snack. I looked at the map yesterday and saw that two pilgrimage routes exist from Cea to Dozón. As I walked and my leg felt okay, I decided to reevaluate my plan to stay in Cea. I thought I could see how I felt after a little to eat, a little ice for my shin, and a little rest. We arrived in Cea and had a snack. She showed me pictures of her kids and grandkids, I showed her a little video Caleb sent to me yesterday. After resting I felt okay, so I packed up and got on my way. The first few kilometers I felt okay, and then the pain slowly worked its way up my shin. In spite of this, I enjoyed passing through old trails and new ways, saying hi to dogs, cats, goats, cows, and people I passed along the way. I climbed up more hills with gorgeous views and down into valleys with cool breezes blowing through them. I started my new practice today: I pause at the church in each of the villages I pass through to offer a prayer of thanksgiving and to pray for friends and family. What one guide book stated as a 12KM walk another listed as 16KM. I hoped the first was correct, yet the latter proved to be true. So in the end, I totaled 38KM after stating I wasn’t going to have any more 30+KM days. And while my leg feels a bit tired, it feels better than it did on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That said, I don’t know if I want to do any more long days. I think a few shorter days to Santiago will be okay. I arrived in Dozón to find that Don, Ted, and Tom also stopped in the albergue for the night. They took the other route from Cea to Dozón, which passed a monastery where they stopped to take a tour. I’m glad we have reconnected. I also give thanks for the different perigrinos I have had the opportunity to walk with and talk with on this journey. Davide from Rome - the one who took me under his wing the first two days, parted ways yesterday morning. Rene, George, and Paul from France and I parted ways on Saturday night after dinner. Today, Edith and I said goodbye - we probably won’t meet up again on this Camino. Strangers becoming friends. Thanks be to God. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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