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  • Writer's pictureDan

Day 14: Sedilla to Ponte Ulla to Outeiro (27KM)

The trail out of Sedilla quickly put us back on country roads. Backs, hips, knees, shins, and toes feeling better we moved along for a couple of hours until we stopped next to a church for some crackers, cookies and water. I have enjoyed my new practice of pausing at each church or cross along the way - ancient pilgrim stops - to offer a prayer of thanksgiving and to pray for family and friends. We arrived in Ponte Ulla, which has an albergue, and considered staying there, yet thought the extra 5KM to Outeiro would mean a shorter walk into Santiago. Also, we felt good, AND Davide had sent us a picture of a refreshing looking pool at the albergue in Outeiro. All of us wanted to put our legs in the cold water, so we decided to continue to Outeiro. A real nice albergue, yet with no markets or cafes around it. Thankfully the hospitalero had a menu of restaurant a few towns away that would deliver. We had the fullest albergue I experienced so far - 9 full bunks, 18 people from 6 countries. I could feel the excitement in the room of people as they anticipated making Santiago tomorrow. We have decided to delay going to Santiago until Friday. Tomorrow we plan to walk to a new albergue about 7KM away and spend the day there to prepare our hearts and thoughts for arriving in Santiago. I am not quite sure what that means for me, yet. I have some journaling and blogging to do. I could use some more rest. We’ll have to wait and see. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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