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  • Writer's pictureDan

Day 15: Outeiro to Deseiro (Sergude) (7KM)

We took and unplanned, yet very welcomed, rest day today. After arriving in Outeiro last yesterday afternoon both Don and Tom suggested, “What if we stay here another day/night to take time to write, pray, and prepare ourselves for entering Santiago?” What a great idea! However, the albergue in Outeira only allows Perigrinos to stay for one night, unless a doctor’s note states they need to stay longer. So close to Santiago (17KM to go) we weren’t sure we could find a place, yet the guy running the albergue let us know of a newly opened albergue about 7KM down the road. This morning we packed up for the short walk, and now we have most of the day to rest, write, and get ready to enjoy making it to Santiago tomorrow. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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