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Day 3: Santa Marta de Tera to Olleros de Tera to Villar de Farfón (22KM)

Davide, Edith and I took a later start to walking today. In Santa Marta de Tera, the church with iconic statue on the outside also has a significant statue on the inside. Built around the 12th Century, the builders positioned window over the altar to direct a ray of light at a statue on a column every morning when the sun rises. How beautiful and amazing to watch this happen. A choir also had a small performance on this Saturday morning. Yet this also meant we did not start walking until after 10:30AM. Edith and I took a water break a couple of hours in and commented how the heat of the day had sapped our energy. Just after this we had two nice surprises. First, we walked by some wild blackberries and had a nice snack. Then, as we approached the town of Olleros de Tera, we walked by a farmer who had just harvested some apples. We said hi, and he offered us some apples. Yum! We arrived in Olleros de Tera to find Davide sitting at a cafe waiting for us. He introduced us to the owner, Angelina, with whom he had talked while waiting for us. We talked a bit, and had a bite to eat. Then the farmer came around the corner pushing a wheelbarrow full of apples. We said hi, again. He came over, introduced himself to us as Moises, and talked to us for about 15 minutes telling us his life story. Then he asked us to pray for him and his wife when we arrived in Santiago. Certainly. We left and headed for Villar de Farfón - about another 2½ hours away. Up a couple of hills, across a large dam, and then around an inviting lake we walked. We didn’t jump in the water because it would mean having to get our stuff back on again, and we were a bit to tired for that. Eventually we arrived at this tiny albergue. They had four beds, which meant space for the three of us! They also had WiFi which meant I could call Courtney to say hi! A wasp stung my finger while I washed the dishes after dinner, yet other than that we enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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