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Day 17: Santiago to Negreira (via bus)

I often laughingly tell people I know enough Spanish to get me into trouble, but not enough to get me out of it. This morning I parted ways with Don, Tom, and Ted as they wanted to spend the day in the city, and I felt eager to get on my way to the coast. However, because we slept in an albergue outside of the city (in the opposite direction I needed to go) and we were sharing a taxi into the city, I got a later start than normal. I decided to take a bus through the first stage and begin my route to the end of the world from Stage 2. I asked around for the bus station, and also where I could buy a ticket for the bus to Negreira. For over an hour and a half I walked in circles with the directions I understood from people. My Spanish getting me into trouble :) Eventually I found an info kiosk that had opened, and on this sixth attempt to get directions I finally found the bus station. I arrived in Negreira, found an albergue with space (the municipal one had already filled), bought some groceries for tomorrow, and now I’m planning my route of how far to walk. After a few low kilometer days, I feel I want to get some good distance in tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’ll have WiFi when I arrive wherever I do, but if I do I’ll try to post an update. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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