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  • Writer's pictureDan

Following My Shadow

I have followed my shadow for the better part of two weeks. I’m walking in a northwesterly direction, and since I leave in the morning, the sun casts a shadow in front of me. Early mornings a long a shadow, early afternoons a shorter shadow, but a shadow is a shadow is a shadow. One of the things I’ve come to understand and appreciate about my shadow - it reminds me I am alive and on this adventure. If I was an effigy or ethereal, then I think the sun would go right through me. After a really difficult climb or painful downhill descent, I took comfort in seeing my shadow - in knowing I am still alive. And being alive reminds me of God’s promise that I am never alone. We are never alone. I give thanks for the reminder a shadow brings that my life makes sense because it’s part of a greater cosmic story. If it wasn’t, the sun wouldn’t care to cast a shadow from it. 

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