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  • Writer's pictureDan

At the End of The World

I walked to the end of the world yesterday. The farthest point west on the continent of Europe one can go, which is why the town is so aptly named “Finisterre” - the End of the Earth. Some peregrinos follow a tradition of carrying a rock (or rocks) to this place and throwing them into the sea. The rocks represent things peregrinos want to get rid of in their lives, like anger, grudges, bitterness, bad habits, fears, etc. Some of the people I walked with yesterday brought rocks with them - I had forgotten mine at the hostel, because we checked in before we walked to watch the sunset. About a hundred pilgrims waited for the sunset by laughing, taking pictures, climbing over the racks, and enjoying little picnics. As the sun dipped lower and lower the festive tone changed into a hushed, respectful tones (and camera snaps). When it sank away completely everyone sat silent - and then applause started to echo through the rocks. What a way to end the day - and finish almost 500KM of walking. As I stood in the afterglow of sunset I felt peace. I didn’t need to throw my rocks. I realized I just needed to let go (I know I have tried that before...). Something freeing went through my heart and mind as I realized I carried these as far as I could on my own. Yes, I could do more walking and yes I could keep carrying these things, yet it wouldn’t get me any farther west - it wouldn’t bring me any closer to freedom. This was the farthest I could go, I can do no more, I have to let God deal with these things now. I now this truth can happen any moment of any day in any place, yet something about being at this utmost point made this feel more like a reality. I’m so glad I don’t have to carry those rocks any more. I know I could have days in the future when I will find it very tempting to pick up similar rocks, And I give thanks for this lesson. Even when I reach my end, God’s love, grace, forgiveness and healing continue. I can let go, and applause at the beauty happening every day. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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