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  • Writer's pictureDan

Casting Shadows: A Good Thing

We can cast shadows, and bring hope to the world! A few days ago I wrote about following my shadow and how my shadow reminds me I belong in the story and have life. I’ve thought more about that, especially when walking in early mornings and the occasional street lamp causes my shadow to dance and move around me. Our lives can shine on those around us, helping them to see their shadows, reminding them they belong in the story, reminding them that they are alive. I know this can be fleshed out more and nuanced more. I could write about shining too bright in front of someone blinds them instead of helping them to find their path. I could write about inconsistent lighting causing people to question their shadow. Instead I will leave it with this: How can your life shine light this week to remind neighbors and strangers that they are alive - they belong in life’s story - they are not alone - they are loved? Shine light, bring hope to the world. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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