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  • Writer's pictureDan

Day 19 Olveiroa to Finisterre (36KM)

We started the morning by the stars acknowledging this will probably be the last morning walking with them. We took a slower start, though, so after about an hour the faint orange edge of dawn appeared just as we created a hill with windmills. In the “whoosh, woosh, woosh” sound we took a moment to pause and look around. Tears came to our eyes. Others had their reasons, yet for me my tears came because of the beauty of the scene accompanied by sense of “anything is possible,” and “ALL things can be made new.” We walked together in silence for a bit until we each settled in to our own paces and thoughts. We stopped to take some photos as the route splits - one to Muxia and one to Finisterre. We turned left toward Finisterre. This trail anything but coasted to the coast with some steep grades (not as much as to Campobecerros, but still exhausting). We walked with joy. We shared some good memories and some hopes for returning home. We got tired. We took photos. We laughed. And we kept going, until we reached our hostel. Even though we took our packs off, and we showered and grabbed a snack, we knew both the day and our Caminos had net yet ended. We walked towards the lighthouse at the end of the world and more people joined our group. We walked to the end of the world. Alleluia. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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