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  • Writer's pictureDan

Day 22: Santiago and Characters on the Way

I give thanks for the many lives intersecting mine on this journey. I’m writing as I sit in the cathedral surrounded by characters I don’t know, yet who have participated in the great stream of Perigrinos throughout the centuries. May writing their names be a act of a prayerful blessing for them. (In order of appearance) Davide - from Rome Edith - from Quebec René and Paul - from Britagne George - from Lyon Rodrigo - from Netherlands Domen - from Slovenia Zygimantas - from Lithuania Pedro - from Spain Bartalomeu - from Germany Moises - from Olleros de Tera Angelina - from Olleros de Tera Hospitable Family - Cernadilla Craig and Dorothea - South Africa Don - from Massachusetts Frederic - from Paris Victor - from Spain Rosario - from Campobecerros Tom - from Maryland Ted - from Texas Garçon - from Orleans Raimontes - from Spain Frau - from Germany Carmine - from Sergude Steve - from England Dora - from Croatia Mike - from Atlanta Michelle - from Australia Cyclist - from Taiwan Daniel - from Sweden George - from Australia Lucy - from Czech Republic Ingrid - from Sweden A number of baristas and farmacists and people who helped us in one way or another. For these people, we give you thanks, Loving God. You promise us we’ll never be alone, and these lives represent some of the ways you fulfill your promise. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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