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Santiago to Negreira: an addendum (Learning to Trust)

In retrospect I should have started the initial post with this paragraph, yet I think I need to add it now. I spent time thinking and praying on Saturday, and felt compelled - maybe led or prompted would be other words to use - to go to Negreira. I didn’t think I would have the time to walk, which is why I took the bus. Some might consider this cheating, and I struggled with this. In praying I sensed I needed to go in order to meet a person or people. I didn’t write this the day I left, because what if it didn’t happen... (I realize that isn’t demonstrating great confidence and faith, yet at the time I wrote that post, my confidence in sensing God’s presence and hearing in prayer was a bit shaken.) Anyway, in the bus station and on the bus I tried to guess who I would meet. Was it going to be like meeting Davide in Zamora? Then I walked through Negreira, and I didn’t meet anyone. In the hostel and at dinner, nada. I began questioning whether I had sensed God’s prompting correctly. Sunday morning while walking I remember thinking, “Why am I still walking? Is this a fool’s errand.” And especially when I missed a turn in the dark and had o reorient myself and backtrack 1.5KM, I had second thoughts about this route to Santiago. The morning light dawned and I started getting a bit hungry. I saw a sign for a cafe in 5KM, and I had already walked 10KM. Yet about 1.5KM later I came upon another cafe, hesitated, and then went in to order a coffee and snack. A few minutes later another peregrino arrived and sat down. We said hi, a little small chitchat, and another peregrino arrived, and even though she was walking, it was clear she wasn’t quite awake yet. I felt chilly even though the sun had risen, so I said bye and started on my way. About 10KM I took another break, and a few minutes later this same guy arrived. We talked a bit more, I learned his name is Steve, and then I started on my way again. At the end of the walk I sat at a cafe writing and as Steve walked into the village I invited him to join me. We talked more, and then his friend, Dora, arrived. It turns out these are the people I was supposed to meet. We only walked together one day - to the end of the world. Yet in this day and a half it felt like we had known each other for a long time. We laughed. We shared stories of why we walked and what we hope for when we go home. I give thanks for meeting these two, and the others I met through them. It restored joy, encouraged my gifts, and helped me begin in bringing good closure to this Camino journey. Until next time, Buen Camino! 

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