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First Things First (or Socks and Shoes as a Centering Practice)

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

Getting the kids to the bus this morning, I slip my shoes on in about 30-seconds - maybe my socks are straight and de-wrinkled, maybe not. I find it doesn’t matter much because we’re just going to the bus stop, and then I plan to take my shoes off as soon as I get back inside. On Camino, thought, I took at least 5 minutes to put on my shoes and socks. It became a centering practice. I took time to spread the vaseline over each toe. I eased the socks over my feet and calves smoothing them out along the way. I carefully slipped into my shoes making sure no bumps, wrinkles, or pebbles existed. While this provided care for my feet, this also created an opportunity to pray, center my thoughts, and embrace the day. Making time to do this simple task properly and with care would diminish the chance of blisters and foot soreness for the rest of the day - and the rest of the Camino. Rushing through this one task could mean soreness or blister care for days. While I did this in the morning, I found sometimes foot care a helpful practice midday, too. At a cafe or even the side of the trail I would take a few minutes to make sure my socks fit okay and to retie my shoes. It made me think of first things first. What core things do I need to do at the start of each day to make sure I “walk” okay through the rest of the day? How can I reset in the middle of the day? Also, what do I do each day that I can realize as opportunities to center and ground my heart and thoughts before beginning the day? Some simple things are hugging my wife and kids and saying, “I love you!” to each of them. Maybe I need to reimagine how I drink the first cup or tea (or coffee) or the first few minutes in the car or even taking time to put on my socks… I wonder what “foot care” could look like for you. I wonder how you center yourself to begin your day - and I wonder what you do to reset your day in the middle of life. Until the next time - Buen Camino. 

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