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  • Writer's pictureDan

Porto to Vilarinho ~26KM

I started this morning walking out of Porto in fog, which lasted for about an hour. Quiet, foggy streets provide a good atmosphere for me to be reflective. Eventually the fog lifted to reveal an overcast sky, yet the temperature was comfortable and the walk enjoyable. After a couple of hours I stopped for an espresso and then I stopped for a haircut. I felt good walking, so I walked another couple of hours before my next coffee stop. Along the way I started listening to the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, and resonated a bit with both Bilbo and Frodo mentioning their desire for going out on an adventure. I arrived in Vilarinho and found space available in a tiny hostel. After a little rest, some of the other peregrinos and I walked to a nearby monastery to look around a bit. When we returned, the woman who runs the hostel set out a bowl of figs picked from her trees along with a local Port. Now I’m finishing up this post while I prepare for about a 30KM tomorrow to Barcelos. Until next time, Ultreia (e suseia) Dan 

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