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  • Writer's pictureDan

Sowing Seeds of Peace

“Although we walk all the time, our walking is more like running. When we walk like that, we print anxiety and sorrow on the Earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace on the Earth” - Thich Nhat Hahn

I came across this quote in a guidebook while preparing for this Camino, and it has echoed in my mind this morning while I walked.

Living in with a perspective of scarcity prevents us from walking peacefully - worrying that there are not enough resources or there is not enough time causes us to rush. Walking this morning made me aware of how often this past year my mind and heart were ‘rushing’ through my days.

Living in light of God’s abundance reminds me that there is enough time and there are enough resources to do all things necessary to bring healing and hope to the world. Living in light of God’s abundance reminds me that we have opportunities to shine light and sow peace, and in so doing participate in God’s holy work of healing the world.

I wonder how I will appropriate this truth in the year to come. I wonder how you can imprint peace in the lives of those around you and upon the Earth today. Until next time, Ultreia (e Suseia) Dan 

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