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  • Writer's pictureDan

A Step towards Abundance

I had envisioned posting multiple times from various cafes along the route today. However, said cafes being closed and the skies being open have brought me back to this cafe from earlier today. Even though I was the first pilgrim to arrive at the albergue this morning at 10:30AM, yet they did not open the doors until 1PM (actually 1:15PM). However, I was not the first to check in - so I am in a room of 40 people instead of a room with 8 people. I sat across the street at the cafe to get dry and to get warm, and others stopped in for a moment and then stood on line in the rain at the door of the albergue for an hour. I’m happy to be dry and warm, and it was a practice in letting go of attempting to control the moment and surrounding circumstances. It was a movement towards hoping in abundance and away from anxiously grabbing with scarcity. I’ll admit I got a little nervous when I saw more and more peregrinos coming down the mountain before 1PM. Yet I remembered - if I don’t stay here, then there will be an albergue up the road; sure I’ll get wet again, but that’s part of this adventure. Until next time, Ultreia (e Suseia) Dan (the rain finally stopped at 5PM, and the photo is of people trying to dry their things outside the albergue) 

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