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  • Writer's pictureDan

Barcelos to Ponte de Lima ~35km (20Sep19) part2

This long day’s journey was marked by crossing bridges built by the Roman Empire. Some spanned streams of varying size, and the last one spanned the River Lima. The first part of the day I enjoyed the scenery while walking, and the last part I took in the surroundings yet found myself preoccupied with wanting to make it to the albergue so I could set my pack down. Mainly cornfields and vineyards, and sometimes eucalyptus groves, mark the paths not on the paved road. It’s harvest time, so I’ve watched people snipping bunches of grapes, fighting with tractors that won’t start, or giving advice to the ones fighting with the tractors (ha!). On another time, I will write in another blog about my thoughts of crossing these ancient paths crossed by thousands before me. Yet for now, Ultreia (e suseia) Dan 

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