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  • Writer's pictureDan

Ponte de Lima to Rubiaes ~19km

Rain marked this shorter journey today. A drizzle began as I departed Ponte de Lima by an old Roman road. This picked up to a good downpour as I hiked up Alto da Portela Grande. The guidebook says there is a great view from up here - I have to take its’ word for it because the rain, low hanging clouds and wind caused me to pause briefly yet keep on my way. The one cafe mentioned in the guidebook was closed, so I just walked the entire way to this cafe across the street from the albergue (which doesn’t open until 1pm). I admit that after the first 8km or so my thoughts went from the ‘spiritual, inward” journey to the ‘outward’ I want to get dry and warm. We’ll see how my dry brain and heart process thoughts over the next few hours and day. Until next time, Ultreia (e suseia) Dan 

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