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  • Writer's pictureDan

Vilarinho to Barcelos (~30KM) (19Sept2019)

My second day of walking also took advantage of stopping at various cafes along the way for coffee, bread, and writing. I stopped in São Mamede for cafe and a roll for breakfast after walking an hour and a half. About 8KM later a little cafe called to me - “rest and write a while” - a least maybe that’s what it said. Maybe it didn’t. I had a rather long walk alone through cornfields crossing two Roman era bridges before finding a small cafe for an espresso. The cafe owner wanted to practice speaking English and I was happy for a respite. I arrived in Barcelos with large statues of roosters all over town. It reminded me of parts of Vermont with panthers or parts of Maine with moose painted differently. Thursday was market day, and I walked through tents offering garden tools, underwear, furniture, birds, plants, horse reins (and chaps), cow bells and sheep chimes, as well as all sorts of little Portuguese particular gifts, gadgets, and gizmos. I walked through historic church and archaeological ruins. And I watched people of all sorts and from all places. I met a few German students at the albergue, and we shared a ‘menu peregrino’ (a special meal at a special price some restaurants offer) and laughter. I needed the meal as I prepare for the 35KM walk to Ponte de Lima. Until next time, Ultreia (e suseia) Dan 

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