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  • Writer's pictureDan

Tui to Redondela ~33KM (23Sep2019)

A good, although unexpectedly long, day of walking. Last night at dinner a few of us talked about going a bit further on than the common stop from Tui, which is Porriño. We weren’t quite sure where. An Italian was going to stop in Mos (an extra 6), a Brit was thinking of Saxamonde (an extra 13), and some Germans and Russians were thinking of going all the way to Redondela (an extra 16). I thought I would wait to see how I felt. I arrived in Porriño around 10AM and knew I could walk more. Before I arrived in Mos I thought I would stay there, yet after a bit of lunch I thought I could climb over the hill to the next place. I had so much momentum coming down the hill - and because I could see the farther town - I kept going. Today’s routes took me past industrial zones, through cornfields and vineyards, and over some hills. I followed a Roman road for quite a while, and walked through eucalyptus groves again. While some seems similar, it’s a bit of a different feel in Spain that it was in Portugal. There are also a lot more peregrinos on the trail as more start in Tui to complete the required 100+KM to earn a credential. It sprinkled a little in the afternoon yet remained overcast most of the day - the cooler weather allowing me to walk a bit more than planned. Until next time, Ultreia (e suseia) Dan 

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