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  • Writer's pictureDan

Winning the Day, i.e. walking well

Walking Camino stages has become a reframing of mindsets. If I had started the day thinking about 33KM I may not have enjoyed the other stops as much because I knew I still had a lot of walking to do. It makes me think of Coach K’s approach to a basketball game. I’ve heard that he doesn’t ask his team to win the game, i.e. the next 40 minutes, rather he breaks the game into four-minute segments and during timeouts asks them to concentrate on the next four minutes and win those. Instead of trying to walk 33KM, I tell myself “walk the next 90 minutes (about 6km) or until the next cafe...” then I set a starting point for directing my thoughts and/or prayers during that time and see where they end up going. So I have found this works well for extending stages, I struggle when it comes to shortening them to create space to write more. I still have a few days to figure it out ;) Until next time, Ultreia (e Suseia) Dan 

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