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  • Writer's pictureDan

Carried Along - Camino Thoughts, part 10: singing

Day three of walk started in fog and continued with a bit of overcast skies thought the morning. which fostered a contemplative space for my prayers.

As I walked with stones in my hands, representing the prayers in my heart and mind for others, songs bubbled up to lips accompanying each footfall and pole-plant.

Some songs I have sung before, and some songs came with new words and fresh prayers for people who gave me prayer requests to carry with me along this journey.

Here’s a prayer song I sung, (and it has journeyed with me for over 5 years of Caminos and circumstances):

Now I walk in Beauty,

Beauty goes before me,

Beauty goes behind me, above and below me.

And here are some new ones, to be sung in a Taize style:

Song 1:

You are not broken,

  You are loved.

You are not broken,

  Take courage.

(Repeat twice)

And live with joy,

And live in peace.

(Repeat twice)

And Song #2

Guide us by your light;

Guide us with your love;

Guide us in your truth;

Show us the way.

I wonder how singing can help you reframe your day and circumstances.

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