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  • Writer's pictureDan

Continuing the Work… (Saturday 28th, part 1 and Sunday the 29th, part 1)

After finally arriving in Boa Vista, we met with Pastor Augusto and Pastor Marcia to hear about some of their work here. Some of the group helped to hang a ceiling in the church’s kitchen. This is a cool project, because last time Don took a team here (2018), they helped construct the walls of the building.

(The dining hall / kitchen in April 2018)

Now the building is finished, and the kitchen prepares meals for kids living in refugee camps.

(The outside of the building today)

(The inside of the building when we arrived)

Church members and group members worked side-by-side, laughing and joking, while hanging the ceiling.

(Pela Cruz Methodist Church members with some of our group working on the ceiling)

This ceiling cuts the temperature in this kitchen / gathering hall tremendously. It was great to be able to serve the children from Venezuela a meal on Sunday morning in this place.

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