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Edgar, Suda, and Ronnie - grieving while traveling

“mourn with those who grieve, rejoice with those who celebrate.” This verse from Romans 12:15 has ricocheted around in my head and heart the past few weeks.

A month ago I received a few weeks ago mentioning that a mission colleague and amazing disciple of Jesus passed away suddenly. Edgar exhibited patience and kindness with me when I first started working in New York 11 years ago. Over the course of that year Edgar helped me to hone my understanding and approach to developing partnerships with mutuality with Christians around the world. I remember his gentle laughter and passion for giving hope legs around the world.

Then two weeks ago I learned that Suda - Bishop Devadhar - passed suddenly and unexpectedly. He had an insatiable passion for people to know God’s love and hope in Jesus. I give thanks for his humble leadership and joy in accompanying others in discipleship and ministry. I thank God that Bishop Suda ordained me to ministry, confirming what God has called, gifted, and equipped me to do.

Shortly after, I found out that my “Uncle” Ronnie passed after a long illness that saw his strength and mind and story-telling fade away. While he didn’t always understand my call to international mission, he supported me and encouraged all along the way - usually accompanied with a story or two. “Danny, why do you have to go over there - isn’t there a church here you serve?” When things became difficult or dark or discouraging, I would recall the funny, anecdotal stories he would share recounting his childhood or parenthood, and these would bring some laughter and perspective.

These three passings happened amidst traveling across the country and visiting dozens of friends, family, and supporters.

I shed some tears for each passing, yet I also shed them while sharing meals and laughter with others. I don’t think I ignored the grief, rather I feel the grief was caught up in the joy that we do not have to experience loneliness alone.

Not sure what else I want to say at this point… Whatever you may be experiencing, may you know joy and hope and peace - and may you offer that others

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