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  • Writer's pictureDan

First Goodbyes...

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

I said my first Charlotte “Goodbye” today, as I packed up my things from my co-working desk. I’ll miss the sunlight, I’ll miss the Banksy art greeting me each day, and I’ll miss the new friends made as each of us navigated “work from home” while not at home.

Saying, “goodbye,” and saying, “hello” will mark our coming weeks as we transition from Charlotte NC to the Denver CO area.

I give thanks for the space that Main St. Coffee and CoWorking has provided for the past nine months. The kids are thankful, too - one because I wasn’t in the house during homeschool sessions, and two, because they could hang out occasionally in the conference room.

That goodbye said, we look forward to finding work spaces and coffee shops in Denver in the coming months.

I had this quote on my desk, and I hope it continues to inform my journey in the transitions to come: “As we journey through life, let us live by the way.” For me, The Way is one of shining light and showing love in all we do.

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