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"I'm really proud of you..."

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

“I’m really proud of you.”

These words caught me off guard, just like when we drove around a bend in the road earlier in the day and saw hot air balloons lifting into the sky. Beautiful.

Later in the day Courtney and I went to dinner with some folks we had not seen in a decade, yet had kept in touch occasionally by text and email. We had a great night of conversation sharing stories of our lives past and present, and telling each other about how we are experiencing / living into life now.

The meal ended, we left the restaurant, and on the way to the car I found myself in a gentle, yet firm hug while hearing these words. Uncharacteristically, I didn’t brush these affirming words away, yet I let them sink in and hold my heart like the hug had held me.

"I'm really proud of you..." That phrase has echoed through my head and heart for the past few days now.

I began wondering about the last time I heard those words spoken to me… and after a long time of thinking, I couldn’t recall the last time someone said that to me. I told Courtney later that I didn’t expect to hear them in that context.

I have heard people say many different things across the gamut about my ministry - or their experience of me in ministry. I tend to let the negative feedback stick more than the positive, yet I do recall hearing “Good Job,” and “Nice Sermon,” and I even save the occasional “thank you for your ministry” card.

This experience also made me wonder how accessible this phrase is in my mind and mouth towards those with whom I have influence. How often do I say this to my kids? Do I say this to younger clergy? Do I say this to friends? How powerful could if be for others if I begin to pepper conversations with those words.

Maybe it stuck because it came from someone I respect, someone whose opinion I value. Maybe it stuck because my defenses weren’t up to deflect - I hadn’t preached or taught a lesson or led a service learning experience. I had just finished a meal with friends.

upon reflection, simply put, GRACE caught me off guard in these words. LOVE caught me off guard. I didn’t do anything to earn them. I didn’t mess up and need them to inflate a downcast spirit.

We can offer others glimpses of Grace and Love by the words we choose. Who values your opinion? With whom do you have influence?

I wonder how you might catch someone off guard today with God’s love.

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