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  • Writer's pictureDan

“Loaded” Conversations (aka Encouraging Conversations)

One of my favorite foods as a kid came in the form of a “loaded” baked potato. Heap on the toppings, and - of course - A LOT of extra cheese.

As I bring my thoughts in focus, I realize this could appear ‘extra cheesy’ or sentimental, yet I’m going to write it anyway.

I thank God for friends. I thank God for technology. I thank God when those two things come together in ways that encourage and uplift, especially when dismal feelings seem more pervasive.

This past week I had a few opportunities to speak with friends who are colleague on the phone while going about life.

In one conversation we talked about life-in-general. In another we talked about ministry opportunities and challenges each of us face currently. And in others we covered a range of things from family and relationships and parenting and rest-taking and self-care and movies to watch and books to read and… well, these conversations were loaded.

I am thankful each of them picked up the phone when it rang and for how they created time in their days to chat a bit.

In some of conversations we prayed, while in others we said quick goodbyes as we realized the time and had to do other things. In all of them we said, “I’m thankful for you. I love you.” We encouraged one another by taking time to be with one another.

While it could sound cheesy to some people, these loaded conversations fed my heart and soul in comforting ways. I could re-engage in ministry and day-to-day life feeling more centered and more myself.

I wonder how you might load someone’s life with encouragement this week by taking time to listen, to share, to be with them…

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