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Pre-Camino Jitters and an Invitation to Let Beauty Surround Me

I’m about 20 minutes away from boarding the flight to Madrid. Excitement and Uncertainty vie for space in my being: Excitement at the possibility of another Camino adventure, and uncertainty about what might happen because of Covid - which is probably why I haven’t written until now. Rather than see it as Covid putting a delay on things, though, I want to frame it in terms of Camino. On Camino, peregrinos lean into an uncertain future - from little things like will there be beds or when will there be a cafe to questions about health and friendship and life after the Camino.

(In the middle of writing this blog I boarded the plane - it feels a bit more real.)

And as those who have walked “The Way” before know, those things we learn on Camino we can carry over into everyday life in ways that help us live with more joy, hope, and intentionality.

While I have tried to subdue my excitement the past few weeks while waiting for the other shoe to drop and cancel this trip, I also sensed God inviting me to step into joy and hope. I began feeling more at peace last night as I packed.

No mater how much I prepare, I don’t know what the future holds. I feel an invitation to let go of the need to try to control scenarios in the future. I hope that I can embrace it. I hope I can remember that I’m held by a beauty and grace, that while possibly sensed in part, goes well beyond my perception and comprehension.

As I walked through the terminal on my way to the gate I started singing a song that has accompanied me during my previous Caminos…

“Now I walk in Beauty. Beauty goes before me.

Beauty goes behind me. Above and Below me.“

and one of my breath prayers…

”You are with me, I can do this.”

Before I left I asked some people if they wanted me to carry any prayers for them on this journey, and I asked them to pray for me.

As I conclude this blog I remember God’s promise to be with us always - no matter what. I look forward to learning more about letting go and trusting in that presence as I walk.

Thanks to those who will read this and journey with me.

ultreia y suseia


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