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  • Writer's pictureDan

Singing in the Rain

Two distinct sounds outside my window pierced through my sleepiness early this morning.

Sheets of rain falling stirred me from my sheets. I peeked outside and thought I would have to start building an ark as torrents of water washed down the window.

Yet behind it, or underneath it, or maybe even while alongside it somehow outside of the rain racket I also distinctly heard what I hear every morning – the birds singing. Their song reminding me of beauty and rhythm and hopefulness.

Sometimes I focus so much on the storm I forget to listen to what else is happening.

It reminds me of Psalm 46. Part of this Psalm people may have heard or used quite frequently – “Be Still, and know that I AM God.” The context of this verse, though, occurs amidst a great cacophony of war and natural disaster. In the midst of the storm, whatever it may be, we can remember there is a song still playing – one that sustains and keeps us going. Now while this might sound like a metaphorical song, it can also be a real song – a song of a bird or orchestra or rock’n’roll band.

Besides the birds outside my window, I have a few different songs that come to mind – songs that have journeyed with me through war-zones, despair, and great celebrations.

While writing this a memory comes to mind from a long time ago, shivering under a thatched roof on a dock off the coast of Honduras while waiting for a break in the downpour. It seemed it would never come. One teammate began to sing, and then we all began to join that song and continue singing others. The songs sustained us through the cold, wet afternoon.

Storms happen – we cannot avoid them. How will we weather the storm? That can feel uncertain at times. How can we choose to hear God’s promise amidst the storms?

I wonder what song or songs ground you or center you or remind you to keep on going even though the present might seem uncertain at best or cataclysmic at worst.

I wonder if somehow you can sense in those songs the promise of God’s presence.

Oh… and I wonder what song will you could sing for others to let them know they are not alone during life’s storms. I wonder how your life could be a song for the healing of the world.

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