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The Power of Touch (Saturday 28th, part 2)

While some of the group worked on the ceiling, the rest of the group went to one of the independent refugee camps for people leaving Venezuela. Two people provided lice treatments for over 40 people (most of them children), while the other three painted finger nails and played with kids.

They tell of the kids having the lice treatment visibly relaxing as they had their scalps massaged and rinsed. And one member told of how she held the hand of each child while painting the finger nails.

Many of the residents of Boa Vista shun the Venezuelans - many don’t like that they’re here in their city, because of the rise in crime, the strain placed upon the city's infrastructure, which has increased the cost of living.

Holding the hands and touching the scalps of these children seen as ‘last, least, and unwanted’ offers hope - these children know that they are seen, loved, and not alone.

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